About Me | Paula Penedo
Hey there! I'm Paula :)
I've been working as a frontend developer for the past 13 years. I witnessed the jQuery/AngularJS frenzy and OOCSS, and I've experienced the loss of Google Reader, Geocities, and Orkut, as well as the rise of React.js.
I fell in love with the Web in the late 90s, browsing through shrines, blogs, Altavista, Cadê (for my Brazilian readers), and Yahoo Games. I dabbled with Microsoft FrontPage, built a website about anime, hosted it on Geocities, and decided that I wanted to work on building websites when I was only 14 years old. However, that wasn't a common career path in Brazil at the time, so like most things, it was just a dream for a poor kid. It's incredible to think that 20 years later, I have had the opportunity to create web experiences for companies like Vimeo, Planned Parenthood, and Epic Games.
Tech stack
- HTML, CSS, JavaScript, TypeScript, accessibility (a11y)
- React.js, React Native, Next.js, TanStack Query, Redux, RTK Query
- TailwindCSS, CSS Modules, style-components
- Jest, React Testing Library, and Playwright for automated end-to-end testing
Random facts about me
- I've played drums for 15 years at church.
- I love karaoke night.
- Recently discovered Critical Role and fell in love with TTRPG.
- I have a degree in Advertising and worked with that for a few years before switching to tech.
- My favorite animals are owls and penguins.
- I love crafting games like Stardew Valley and simulators like Euro Truck.
- Scorpio sun, Virgo rising and Cancer moon.
- Melancholic/coleric.
This is heavily inspired by the work done by Sara Soueidan, Tania Rascia, Lea Verou, Maggie Appleton, and Salma Alam-Naylor.